Beware a Scot's Revenge


If you’re looking for a kidnap/revenge romance, you should look into the latest in Sabrina Jeffries’ School for Heiresses series, Beware a Scot’s Revenge. It features a hero and heroine who secretly care for each other even as they exchange constant insults back and forth with time to kiss like there is no more tomorrow.

Lachlan Ross is one hero who is just a plain nice guy. He wants what’s best for his mother and his clan in Scotland. Yes, he is known as the Deadly Scottish Scourge, but it is all for a good reason. His father’s best friend reneged on a loan made years earlier, and Lachlan is focused on doing what it takes to get that money back for his people. So he becomes the Scottish Scourge, stealing from the wealthy friends of the Earl of Duncannon, the man who failed to repay the loan. After the earl’s men beat him, he is thought to be dead, and uses his recovery to plan the kidnaping of the earl’s daughter, Lady Venetia Campbell. He engineers a meeting at a masked costume party, and things go awry from there.

Venetia is that typical “spunky” heroine with a long-time crush on the hero. So when they first meet as adults at the party, the sparks fly and there is no turning back. After all, Lachlan is an excellent kisser.

Lachlan wants revenge, but doesn’t want to harm Venetia. He thinks she will be a good little hostage until her father comes to Scotland and pays the ransom. What Lachlan doesn’t realize is that Venetia won’t sit back and be the fragile English lady he thinks her to be. She sings songs for hours to drive him crazy, fights him tooth and nail, and when she eventually does escape, she ventures into the Scottish wilderness without thinking for her own safety. Naturally Lachlan rescues and punishes her with some heated exchanges, but because he’s a nice guy, he won’t ruin her reputation.

Some may be annoyed by Venetia, but I thought she was a pretty good sport throughout the whole thing. She loves her father and is torn between that affection and her growing love for Lachlan. As for our hero, he has some father issues to work on, but overall he just wants what is right for the survival of his mother and clan.

Beware a Scot’s Revenge isn’t necessarily a novel story, but it’s charming nonetheless, combining a road romance with humor and heat. Both Venetia and Lachlan are well-written, and together they have a strong chemistry that kept me turning the pages.

Reviewed by Kate Garrabrant

Grade: B

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 30/05/07

Publication Date: 2007/06

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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