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A Guest post by Abi Dore (who was once Abi Bishop)

From 2008 to 2010, I reviewed here at AAR under the name ‘Abi Bishop’. On July 1st 2016, Soft Barracuda, my debut novel will be released and I have to wait to see whether I experience any “what goes around comes around – now you know what it feels like” moments.

I’m on Elizabeth Hoyt’s mailing list and she recently asked for us, her Gentle Readers, to post a review of her latest book if we could. She promised to not read it unless we shoved it in her face via Twitter. Well, Ms Hoyt has published a gazillion best-selling, award-winning books so this is now old hat to her. I, on the other hand, shall obsessively read every single one of the reviews I get (I also hope I get reviews – whole ’nother guest post). I will probably internally review the reviews. But this is all part of Debut Author excitement.

It’s not what I dreamed about though. My dream involved submitting to my first choice agent on Monday, getting a call back on Tuesday, being flown to New York on Wednesday, driving a hard bargain on Thursday, collecting my six-figure cheque on Friday, and chuckling with Regis (it’s an old dream) on live TV the very next week.

In real life, I’m self-publishing this novel via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Press after a year of agent rejections, most without reasons as is to be expected. For those agents who did send personal rejections, the majority fell into the ‘not what we’re looking for’ category. One in particular said that I’d written a ‘hard to sell’ story.

She’s right.

If I were to reduce myself to a few basics for the sake of this post: I’m a black, overweight Trinidadian woman. It’s my drive to see some version of myself in a romance novel that ultimately has led me to write a “hard sell”. I’d like to share a little bit of that drive and this journey with you today.

So, I’m a life-long romance reader. I am sure I share similar histories with a lot of you, where after Sweet Valley High, we levelled-up into Mills & Boon and the ball kept on rolling from there. For me, the ball rolled unceasingly and well into my twenties before I started to feel a sense of dissatisfaction with my reading experiences. My favourite authors at the time (Lisa Kleypas, Christina Dodd, Mary Balogh, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Rachel Gibson) were still writing great, heart-wrenching, awwwww-inducing love stories. I was excited about new-to-me contemporary authors (Sarah Morgan, Sarah Mayberry, Karina Bliss, Kristan Higgins, Victoria Dahl to name only a very few of a gratefully long list). Yet still…I wasn’t as content as I used to be. I wanted something more. Something different.

To be blunt, I wanted the hero to lick a brown nipple once in a while, not a rosy pink one. And I wanted that hero himself to have skin that wasn’t brown because of the sun but brown because that’s how he was born.

In Trinidad we don’t have huge chain bookstores and the romance sections are pulled straight from the bestseller lists, so African-American romance was largely unknown to me. I knew it was out there in ‘America’ but I had no way of getting to them. Then I lucked out on a second-hand bookstore which stocked a wide range of romance novels and I worked my way through Brenda Jackson, Rochelle Alers, and Sandra Kitt; and said a warm ‘hi, where you been all my life’ to Maureen Smith, Ann Christopher and Farrah Rochon.

But, we humans, we’re never satisfied are we? That second-hand bookstore gave me my inch and I proceeded to run the mile. Now I wanted the hero, of any colour, to run his hands over a plump stomach, not just a plump breast. And I didn’t want the heroine to lose weight and feel ‘happier about herself’ by the end of the story. I wanted that woman to stay fat dammit. Yeah, I was a choosy beggar.

This was a taller order for me to find, but in the search, I came across a lot of indie authors, got sucked into the romance blogosphere (still in its ‘hundreds of comments a post’ heyday) and had also received a Kindle for Christmas so…WORLD. BLOWN. WIDE. OPEN.

I’ve never been able to reach a level of satisfaction with most of the ‘plus-size’ romances that I read as they’re too often focused on the size of the heroine and what I’ve been looking for is a romance where the size of the heroine is a description, not a plot point. In addition, because the heroine is usually in a state of despair or uncertainty about her weight and her attractiveness, she often looks to the hero for validation and this leads to some uneven relationship dynamics.

But despite this, I enjoy reading them all, again, just for the difference…the difference that on its flipside is really similarity. To me.

So, back to hard to please humans. One day I read a romance set in the island of St Lucia but the protagonists were Americans and they called the citizens “natives”. After I shouted all sorts of versions of WTF, WTH and plain ole huh? I got to thinking…gee Abi, wouldn’t it be great if you could read a romance set in the Caribbean featuring Caribbean umm, natives? While I like reading African-American romances, the Caribbean sensibility is a different one.

And what about, what about if that same romance featured a plus-size black woman?

I went in search of this Trifecta of Abi’s Perfect Romance and came up empty. It’s not that it isn’t out there, but I haven’t found it (or them) yet. So then I figured, well, since I couldn’t find it, I’d have to write it.

So I did. It’s a hard sell but it’s my sale and I am happy, excited, proud to share my fat black Trini heroine with the world. She’s also got a potty mouth and is hedgehog prickly. And there’s a man who loves her for all of that.

I hope there are readers out there who find themselves in some part of this story, as well as those who appreciate the immersion into something different.

Bring on the reviews. This old reviewer is ready.

Soft Barracuda by Abi Dore

Fay Gordon has four problems.

1. Her architectural firm is floundering;

2. Her sister has delusions of pop star grandeur;

3. The music agent who says he’s going to take Zahra “to the top” once took Fay to dinner and a movie – and a lookout point – and she just wants to forget he ever existed; and

4. Fresh from a successful career in New York, family friend Christian Quintero is back in Trinidad, enjoying hometown popularity and feeding her this crazy story that he’s always been in love with her and wants to give a relationship a shot.

The man has lost his mind.

But as a hot year winds down, either Chris gets more persuasive or Fay grows more susceptible. Everyone calls Fay a tough go-getter but Chris seems to know all her soft spots.

That makes him the biggest problem of all!


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Marian Perera
Marian Perera
07/04/2016 11:15 am

Congratulations on your book, Abi! I’m also a PoC who has never read a romance starring a heroine from my original homeland. Maybe I’ll have to write one myself. :)

Reply to  Marian Perera
07/04/2016 1:23 pm

Yes Marian, add it to your bookshelf :-) I did a semi-stalk and see you’re from (everywhere) but born in Sri Lanka so that will definitely be something different to add to the Western market.

Bj Jansen
Bj Jansen
07/01/2016 3:58 pm

Hello Abi, I have never had the pleasure of knowing you through AAR but you sound like my kind of woman! I have just reviewed an LGBTQ book, a RITA nomination, negatively because sometimes I want extraordinary romances for ordinary people.

So good luck with your ‘hard sell’ and enjoy every review because it means someone you don’t know read your words. Here’s to real people, plump tummies and every shade, nationality and gender identity!

Reply to  Bj Jansen
07/02/2016 5:36 am

Hey BJ, I’m raising my glass to real people, plump tummies, all shades, all nationalities and all kinds of love!

Shout out also to Amazon, the great equalizer without whom my real person and plump tummy would have still been in doc format, known only by me.

Em Wittmann
Em Wittmann
07/01/2016 3:37 pm

Abi –
If the book is anywhere near as great as this post is – you should be internally reviewing some great reviews!

I think ‘traditional’ means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. The only tradition I follow (with romance books) is to buy what sounds interesting (regardless of subject) and share it if I like it. Your book sounds great & I’m going to give it a read.

Best of luck with Soft Barracuda & whatever else follows!

Reply to  Em Wittmann
07/01/2016 8:11 pm

You’re so right E.B. about ‘traditional’ being one of those generic terms that has many meanings as there are people. I like more than my share of small-town romances and sometimes it tickles me to think that for some readers, these stories are like ‘coming home’ whereas I read them to immerse myself in a completely different world to mine.

07/01/2016 11:57 am

Thanks very very much guys! I am extremely excited and very scared but a good scared :-)

I hope you enjoy it LinnieGayl!

Lynn Spencer
Lynn Spencer
07/01/2016 11:41 am

I’m so happy for you! You always made me think (and laugh) when you were here at AAR, and I’ve been wondering what you’re up to. Wishing you the best of success on the new book – it sounds like a promising read!

07/01/2016 11:25 am

I agree so much with your criticism that fat heroines always have to be about being fat but thin heroines are just themselves. It’s a reason I always balked at people holding up Min from Jennifer Crusie’s Bet Me as the great plus-size heroine – I want a plus size heroine to just be the great heroine full stop.

Reply to  CarolineAAR
07/01/2016 8:15 pm

OMG CarolineAAR…are you in my brain? Min was all about her weight – and when she wasn’t, her mother wouldn’t let her forget it. It was too much for me.

Caroline Russomanno
Caroline Russomanno
Reply to  Abi
07/02/2016 9:19 am

I’m also trying to sort out my thoughts about the heroes of plus-size or other unconventionally-appearanced heroines. Min was heavy, but as I recall Cal was an utter dreamboat. I just finished an erotic romance where the heroine was a plainly-dressed geek girl and the heroes look like models. On the one hand, I don’t want to say that an unconventionally attractive heroine doesn’t “deserve” someone attractive to her. On the other hand, there’s something weird about a book all about inclusiveness in standards of appearance that gives us the exact same hero we’ve had in every other book.

Reply to  Caroline Russomanno
07/02/2016 1:41 pm

I hear you, and I think it comes down to ‘living the dream’ from the female reader’s perspective. She’s average and he’s smoking hot and head over heels in love. Usually there’s a skinny type with a bad attitude who the man rejects which is the cherry on top.

I love those stories ha ha ha ah aha.

But I hear you for sure! I’ve never read a romance with an overweight hero though I’ve read about a linebacker and he was the big and burly type. I’ve also read a good few short heroes – Tom Cruise stylings – which I appreciated.

Caroline Russomanno
Caroline Russomanno
Reply to  Abi
07/04/2016 8:08 am

Maybe it’s turnabout=as-fair-play for all the TV shows and movies with heavy, ordinary heroes and knockout heroines!

07/01/2016 10:47 am

I am so going to buy this. Your story reads a lot like mine, except I do not write and I am from Africa. It was in England that I first read African American romance novels and I believe I devoured the whole “Black Section” of the library. More and more African writers are coming up after Chimamande Adichie Ngozi’s career turned profitable (even though she disdains romance books, I still like her stories).

Wish you the best.

Reply to  Mrembo
07/01/2016 8:25 pm

Mrembo, let me tell you – when I was nearing the end of Chimamanda’s Americanah, I could not help but thinking: Chimmie (what I called her), if you weren’t determined to be anti-romance, this ending would have been ten million times better. What could have been with Ife and Obinze! Why can’t people just be happily ever after? Steups.

I recently came across an African (not sure which country) romance author: Kiru Taye who wrote some historical romance novellas based in 19th century-ish Nigeria that were extremely enjoyable and oh so different. It’s called the Men of Valor series: http://www.amazon.com/Kiru-Taye/e/B00723TSDI/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_7?qid=1467419030&sr=8-7

Kristen Donnelly
Kristen Donnelly
07/01/2016 10:29 am

I nodded my way through this – cannot wait to read your voice!

Maria Rose
Maria Rose
07/01/2016 10:22 am

I think your book sounds marvellous Abi! Congrats on diving into this new adventure.

07/01/2016 9:55 am

Way to go Abi! Readers are always complaining that they want to read something new and original. Well, I hope they really mean that and buy your book. Good luck!

Shannon Dyer
Shannon Dyer
07/01/2016 9:23 am

Diversity is a great thing. Thank you for being brave enough to write something different.

07/01/2016 6:44 am

Thanks LinnieGayl :)

LinnieGayl Kimmel
LinnieGayl Kimmel
Reply to  Abi
07/01/2016 10:41 am

I loved your description of the book so much I purchased it :) We talk a lot about wanting non-traditional heroines, and I was very excited to see one and in an interesting setting as well!

LinnieGayl Kimmel
LinnieGayl Kimmel
07/01/2016 5:58 am

Best of luck, Abi!