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The Other Guy’s Bride: Exclusive Excerpt from Connie Brockway

brockwayI am really excited about this one, so fair warning.

On November 22nd, The Other Guy’s Bride, the long, long, long(!) awaited sequel to As You Desire will finally hit your Kindle, with the print version following one month later.  I’ve read the book and it’s fair to say that’s one of the reasons I’m so excited.  I’ll have more to say later, but this new book is a worthy successor to a book so fondly remembered by so very many of us.

You know, there was so much controversy over how this book is being published and now we’re down to what really matters.

We’ll be back in a few weeks with a giveaway, but, in the meantime, Connie offered us an exclusive excerpt from the book to whet your appetite.  So, read it, enjoy – and leave a question or your reaction for Connie in the comments.

– Sandy AAR

Ginesse struggled out from the depths of an uncomfortable dream featuring a tall, disreputable looking outlaw and blinked, her eyes adjusting to the darkened hotel room. She shook her head. She must still be dreaming because there was no other explanation for why James Owens would be sitting on the side of her hotel bed.

“What are you doing here?” she mumbled, looking around. Her window stood wide open to the terrace.

“We have to go. Now.”

“What are you doing here?” she repeated. She gathered the bedsheets high under her chin, scrambling back on her heels until she banged into the bed’s elaborately carved headboard. She could barely make him out. Just enough to see that he’d changed his shirt for a zaboot, the native tunic of the lower classes. It was not much of an improvement.

The garment stank of tobacco. And liquor, too. She sniffed. Yes, he definitely smelled of liquor. She peered at him over the linen’s laced edge. She’d read that some men became capable of terrible things while under the influence of liquor.

“What are you doing here?” Her voice rose an octave.

“I’m taking you to your fiancé.”

His tone was definitely not lecherous. She relaxed slightly. “To my fiancé?”

“Yes,” he said. “We have to go. Now.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she said. “Please remove yourself from my room at once, Mr. Owens.”

“Miss Whimpelhall, I’m not asking—”

“Good. Because I’m not going.” Good heavens. Did he really think she would go tromping off with him in the dead of night? She hoped she was made of sterner stuff than that.

“Listen, miss.” He set one large fist beside her thigh and leaned forward. The white zaboot fell open nearly to his waist revealing a chest heavy with muscle, hard and contoured, the dark hair covering it glinting in the chance light. Quickly, she looked away, heat flooding her face. This was ridiculous. She’d read some extremely provocative Egyptian love poems without a blush. Dry words about dead lovers, an inner voice mocked. Nothing at all like this. He was real, so close that if she lifted her hand she could touch that wide, sculpted chest—

“No,” she said. “I will not listen. Now, must I ring for an attendant or will you leave?”

“You’re not calling anyone. Not until you listen,” he said. He shifted, bringing his face into the light.

She forgot her apprehension and embarrassment. “Good heavens! What happened to you?”

He looked awful. His left eye was swollen, his lip was split, and a bruise darkened the already beard-stubbled angle of his jaw.

Enlightenment dawned on her. “You’ve been in a brawl! A saloon brawl,” she breathed, recalling countless vivid descriptions of similarly battered men from her Western dime novels. She leaned forward to get a better look, the sheet slipping unheeded from her shoulder. “You have, haven’t you?” A tantalizing, horrifying thought occurred to her. “Was it over a woman?”

“What?” He jerked back, a brief expression of bewilderment appearing on his stern countenance. She was having none of it.

It was!” she declared. “You got into a barroom brawl over some…” she scrambled for the right word, “some floozy! Don’t deny it.”

Whatever had Colonel Lord Pomfrey been thinking to send such a man to escort as delicate and timid a lady as Miss Whimpelhall? It was unconscionable. James Owens would have terrified Miss Whimpelhall. Luckily, Ginesse was neither delicate nor timid.

With an impatient gesture, he reached out and flicked the sheet back over her shoulder. “There are no saloons in Cairo,” he said.

“You know perfectly well what I mean. Some squalid establishment that caters to men’s lowest impulses.”

Lowest impulses?

“You…you should be ashamed of yourself,” she said. Something deep within him would surely respond with innate decency to a gently bred lady. It always did in her novels. “You didn’t start out as a desperado. You should…try to be a better man. I am sure you have it in you.” She hoped she sounded more confident than she felt. “Somewhere.”

For a moment he just stared at her and then abruptly stood up, looming over her, his eyes glittering in the dim room.

“You seen through me, miss,” he growled, in a rich Western drawl.

It was delicious.

“I was in a saloon brawl,” he admitted. “I ain’t proud if it, but when demon liquor has his way with a feller, there’s no telling what he might do.”

“I knew it!” Ginesse breathed.

“You were right. And now that I’m coming clean, I reckon it’s only fair to warn you, miss. I ain’t one of your English lapdogs.”

No, she thought, twining the sheets more tightly around her shoulders, he most definitely was not. She blinked up at him, uncertain what he meant, her heart racing wildly in her throat.


She frowned. “Pardon me?”

“You understand?”


“So, when I say we’re going, we’re going. I’m the ramrod, got it?”

Ramrod…ramrod… Oh! The boss! She nodded.

“And whatever else I tell you to do in regards to our trek, you’re gonna do it and you ain’t gonna argue.”

“I would never argue. It’s unladylike.”

“You’re arguing now.”

She opened her mouth to— She closed it, swallowing hard. He sounded quite ruthless, and she felt a little frightened.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said. “You ain’t got nothin’ to fear from me as long as you do as you’re told. I got one aim, and that’s to get you safe to your sweetheart’s arms. He entrusted me with your care, and I,” he looked away, his lips trembling ever so slightly, obviously moved by some great emotion, “and I live by the Code of the West. I aim to get you to him even if I have to carry you kicking and screaming the whole way.”

Oh. My.


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Stacey Licausi
Stacey Licausi
01/24/2012 12:00 am

Leaving aside all the subtleties of PCR analysis such as extraction methods, primer selection, and amplification technique (which could explain most of the published variations), your story does not even make sense.

kindle fire
kindle fire
12/23/2011 7:38 am

What is the song on the Nook or Kindle commercial that starts with a girl in a hammock?

Flora Segura-Buchler
Flora Segura-Buchler
11/12/2011 1:56 am

PS. FYI, The book will also be available in print and audio about a month after it’s debut as a new eBook.

Flora Segura-Buchler
Flora Segura-Buchler
11/12/2011 1:52 am

Hi Chris, I just read your post. I have a NookColor and recently had the honor of receiving an advance copy of TOGB from Connie. There are no plans to make the eBook available for Nook. However, I was able to download my copy to the free Kindle Apps for both PC and iPhone. These as
well as Apps. for other devices are available on the Amazon/Kindle website. I found it to be a very viable option for reading the book without adding a Kindle to my collection of electronics!

11/11/2011 7:52 pm

I’m new to this website, and definitely out of the loop here. I will have to read more about Amazon’s publishing line. I’m glad that you were able to find a way to get your book published! The excerpt caught my interest for sure!

I hope that this will eventually be released for the Nook so I can get it! (Sorry, but being a devoted reader and short on space, I have to restrict myself to eBooks. I also highly doubt I can convince my husband I HAVE to have both the Nook, which I already have, and the Kindle. lol)

11/04/2011 2:38 pm

Hi Sandy, I remember reading here not so very long ago about Connie Brockway “Going Rogue.” I have been a loyal fan of hers for many years and even began following her on FB two years ago. I am also one of those waiting and begging for the sequels and new books from her. However, when she announced her very well thought out plan to publish only ebooks; my reaction was “Gasp, NO!.”

I have been a lifelong book-in-print only reader, ereaders and ebooks, over my cold dead body! The specter of no more of Connie’s books was too distressing and made me have to reevaluate my standing on this subject. In the span of months from her announcement to the eminent release of her first ebook, I have acquired an ereader as well as Kindle apps for PC and iPhone. I find that my old prejudices were limiting me and not allowing me to experience Connie’s work as well as the vast body of work of other excellent writers.

To those of you complaining that it has been so long since the publication of “As You Desire” as well as the people who don’t remember the storyline , I suggest the following. Conduct a quick but thorough reread, there’s still plenty of time to do so before “The Other Guy’s Bride” is released on November 22!

11/03/2011 12:44 pm

“”As You Desire”” got a starred rating from me in my record of authors and books. It has been a long time. I am excited about reading a sequel.
That’s great, Connie.
Was “”guy”” in word usage back in victorian times?

11/02/2011 5:45 am

Am so excited about this book! I’ve been waiting for a sequel to As You Desire since I finished it nearly 14 years ago!

Mary in NY
Mary in NY
11/01/2011 9:19 pm

I cannot WAIT for this book. I just wish I could get it on my Nook. :(

Connie Brockway
Connie Brockway
11/01/2011 7:14 pm

Thanks, you guys. Yup. It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure this works just fine as a stand-alone book. It was a pleasure to write and I had a great time sneaking a peak at harry and Dizzy “”after the happily ever after.””

11/01/2011 6:41 pm

I would actually buy a Kindle for this book!

11/01/2011 2:14 pm

And available for only £1.99 in the UK kindle store! Happy, happy.

Thank you, Connie, for making this available to readers outside the US!

11/01/2011 1:12 pm

I love her dialogue. I’m so glad that particular conversation was picked for the excerpt. Wonderful and fun book. Brockway’s humor is spot on.

Jane A
Jane A
11/01/2011 1:02 pm

Am I the only one who does not remember anything from “”As You Desire””?

It’s been almost 8 years after all!

Reply to  Jane A
11/01/2011 1:26 pm

Jane A: Am I the only one who does not remember anything from “As You Desire”?It’s been almost 8 years after all!

Nope, you’re not the only one, Jane. LOL

11/01/2011 12:11 pm

Barbara~ I may have the details wrong, but I recall Brockway saying she’d wanted to write these sequels for a long time but publishers weren’t interested in them. Amazon has given her the chance to get them published, and it makes sense that it would be limited to the Kindle format, at least for now.I don’t think it was a matter of “”Should I exclude formats?”” but “”Should I go with a publisher with some power behind it’s name, or go indy?”” Indy is still tricky, and I can’t blame her for thinking that being the launch author for amazons new imprint is a good deal for everyone. The fact that Amazon is issuing the books in paper is a good sign.

AAR Sandy
AAR Sandy
11/01/2011 12:09 pm

You know, Barbara, I hear you about the Nook. Still, Connie had a perilous path to getting this book published. After traditional publishers passed, she was going to self pub and go the eBook only route on her own — thus pissing off all the print book buyers. Amazon stepped in with an offer she couldn’t refuse. Connie certainly didn’t set out to “”eliminate whole sections of an audience,”” I know. I hope you’ll consider the print book as soon as it’s available.

11/01/2011 11:42 am

I totally agree about looking forward to this book, but I am a Nook reader and therefore am displaced from being able to get the ebook. Of course there are ways around it (which voids my warrenty, etc), but, and I have said so before, it is certainly difficult to understand why an author would eliminate whole sections of an audience. This is one of those instances where I probably, but not absolutely will, purchase the print copy. It will depend on the reviews after the book has been in circulation for awhile.

11/01/2011 11:26 am

I just looked this up on Amazon, and according to them this will be released in paperback this December. Is this really true? If so, I may be forced to do a happy dance. LOVE Connie Brockway!

AAR Sandy
AAR Sandy
11/01/2011 10:28 am

Michelle, Amazon did listen to readers. Including those in this little old forum right here, so enjoy your power!

Susan in Maryland, even though I read an uncorrected proof, I did not notice typos or editing errors in the book — and I find them just as you do. So, early word from me is that you’ll be just fine!

Susan in Maryland
Susan in Maryland
11/01/2011 9:42 am

I’m looking forward to the book, too, but I hope they cleaned up the many, many editing problems in the original excerpt that was released several months ago. This time I’ll certainly get a sample before buying. Usually, I just sigh and keep reading when there are lots of typos and other editing errors, but I really struggled with this one.

11/01/2011 8:57 am

I can’t wait for this book. An author I love, a sequel I’ve been dying to read for years… In my opinion, Amazon could not have picked a better way to launch their new publishing line. It’s like they actually listened (!!) to readers and responded.

11/01/2011 7:57 am

Love Connie’s tradmark humor. . . We have had to do without it far too long.

11/01/2011 7:55 am

I’m waiting anxiously for this book to come out. It’s one of the reasons I’m finally buying a Kindle. I am very excited about Amazon’s new publishing line, and hoping we will see some of the out of print books show up soon.

11/01/2011 7:46 am

Appetite. Whetted.