Hunt the Moon


As a reviewer, I sometimes select a book for review that’s part of a long series. This is the fifth entry in the author’s Cassie Palmer series, and the first I’ve read. I didn’t feel confused reading this as a standalone. But, while I found the characters and world interesting, the action sequences were excessive and uninteresting, and I can’t recommend this.

Two months earlier Cassie Palmer was a secretary in a travel agency. Now she’s getting ready for her coronation as Pythia, the seer of seers in the supernatural world. Cassie is holed up in a hotel in Las Vegas, along with a host of vampire bodyguards who are supposed to protect her from the numerous threats on her life. In fact, it seems as if everyone who is anyone in the supernatural world – both friend and foe – is in Las Vegas. .

As with many urban fantasies, Cassie is torn between two different men. Mircea, the high level vampire who has claimed Cassie as his own, is busy with political intrigues, leaving Cassie to her own devices for a great deal of the book. While Cassie is attracted to Mircea, she’s struggling to remain independent. There’s also a clear attraction between Cassie and Pritkin, her mage trainer. Beyond the attraction, Cassie is keeping some of Pritkin’s secrets from Mircea, including his true identity.

I found Cassie’s back history fascinating. We also learn a fair amount about Mircea’s and Pritkin’s history. I’ve no doubt that I’ve missed a lot by not having read the earlier entries. Since I didn’t have a previous attachment to either Mircea or Pritkin, I can only base my assessment of the two on this book, and I felt that Pritkin far outshone Mircea.

I thought the world created by the author was interesting, as were all of the main characters. I was particularly intrigued by Cassie’s ability to shift not only in space but in time. I was excited when she shifted back in time, but that excitement quickly turned to disappointment. The time shifts seemed to serve merely as vehicles for some of the lengthy action sequences in the book .

Cassie’s life is threatened repeatedly. I enjoy some action, and truly expect it in urban fantasies, but some of the action sequences felt endless and I just wanted them to stop and after a while I didn’t care who won. Some of the sequences might have been effective in a movie with special effects, but I found they distracted from the plot. It’s not a good sign that I started keeping track of how many pages an action scene lasted (one particularly endless one was over 20 pages long).

I’ll admit that I’m curious about what’s going to happen next to Cassie, Mircea, and Pritkin, as the ending definitely leaves things up in the air. However, I won’t be picking up the next installment unless it’s clear from reviews that the action is toned down, and more focus is placed on plot and characters.

Reviewed by LinnieGayl Kimmel

Grade: C-

Book Type: Urban Fantasy

Sensuality: Hot

Review Date: 28/07/11

Publication Date: 2011/06

Review Tags: 

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.

My first memory is sitting with my mother on a blanket in our backyard surrounded by books and she is reading one of them to me. My love of reading was encouraged by my parents and it continues to today. I’ve gone through a lot of different genres over the years, but I currently primarily read mysteries (historical mysteries are my favorites) and romances (focusing on contemporaries, categories, and steampunk). When I’m not reading or working, I love to travel, knit, and work on various community projects.


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