Welcome to the New Off-Topic Blog
You may have noticed that we’ve been a bit derelict over at the old AAR After Hours Blog for a while now.
As we’ve noted more than once since Blythe, Rachel, and Lynn and I took over management of the site, we think change is usually a good thing. And, while we love the idea of an off-topic blog to write about our non-romance interests, not having it physically connected to the main site (for which there were technical reasons back in the day) seemed a bit schizophrenic. Well, really schizophrenic, if you want to know the truth.
But with so much to be done and so many decisions to be made about the direction we wanted to take AAR, the After Hours Blog got back-burnered for a while. But now it’s up front and simmering away on the front burner and ready to take its place as a new regular feature of AAR proper.
LinnieGayl, Heather, Jane, and I – and I hope other AAR staff members, too, can be persuaded to join us – will be up to our old tricks here at the new site. (I can personally promise much Mad Men and True Blood obsession in the months ahead.) We won’t be updating every day, but with so much content available at AAR, we think that won’t be a big deal. Our plan is to post something at least three times a week when we’ve got something – we hope – interesting to say.
We’ll still be doing giveaways both here and at the News and Commentary Blog (Sherry Thomas is up today), but we are saying goodbye to the old weekly trivia contests. Thanks to Lee B. and LinnieGayl for all the work they did to secure some really great books and to the authors who supported the contests by donating.
TV, movies, cooking, exercise, the paranormal, the slings and arrows of our daily lives – it’s all going to be on the table here. We hope you’ll join us in our new blog home.
-Sandy AAR