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World Cup Novice

USAThis is a completely gratuitous post and I’m slightly embarrassed to even post it.  Slightly.  At least not enough to keep me from posting. 

Until the United States v. England soccer match I had never before watched an entire professional soccer game.    However, when my husband sat down to watch that game, I decided to spend a little time with him and watch it too and I have to admit I’m certainly glad I did.  I’m hooked.  Matter of fact, yesterday I watched bits and pieces of three games and today I plan to watch at least two. 

The reason I’m enjoying the World Cup isn’t because I enjoy the game (although I do) or because I’m a hard core fan (go USA!).  I wish my reasons were that noble.  It’s simply because of all the very attractive athletes participating in the games (and I’m trying to be polite as I word this piece).  Color me surprised when I tuned in and discovered that fact.  So far my absolute favorite is Cristiano Ronaldo followed by Landon Donovan and Tim Howard but there are so many others whose names I can’t quite remember. 

I dread the fact that teams are now beginning to be eliminated from play because it means there will be less teams to watch and so far I really enjoyed the spirit of the international competition.  Although I can’t even pretend to understand all the rules (why do they add minutes to the end of the games?!), I’m learning as I go and I’ve been introduced to a new professional sport.  I’m a little envious of those countries where soccer is big. It makes me wish professional soccer were a big deal in the United States because I’m going to miss it when it’s over.   

AAR Heather


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06/25/2010 8:20 am

Attractive football players?!? What happened, did they give up spitting?

06/24/2010 1:25 pm

why do they add minutes to the end of the games?!

The clock is never stopped. So they add a few minutes at the end for “balance”

“The referee is the official timekeeper for the match, and may make an allowance for time lost through substitutions, injured players requiring attention, or other stoppages.”

I one wached a game in wich they added 5 minutes because of a figth.

I personaly have a “best list”:

The best eyes: Jesus Navas(spain)
Best smile: Elano (Brazil)
Best body: Piqué (Spain)

I amd still searching for the “best blond”(Holger Badstuber is one of my favorites, but I don´t want to be to hasty), “best curls”, “bad boy”, “mejor morocho(best-brown haired)”.

Lynn M
Lynn M
06/24/2010 11:30 am

I saw a news bit at the end of the NBC Nightly News the other night in which they featured Tim Howard. He is a very nice looking young man, and I was highly impressed with his backstory. Apparently he suffers from Tourette Syndrome but he’s managed to overcome it completely. Sadly, it looks like England managed to snatch him away since we here in America don’t fully appreciate professional soccer. Maybe the World Cup will change that so we can bring our cuties back home. ;-)

06/23/2010 11:39 pm

ESPN3.com streams all of them live if you live in an area with the right internet provider. Also, univision.com has them, however, the commentating is done in Spanish.

AAR Heather
AAR Heather
06/23/2010 8:18 pm

I didn’t get to watch the Germany/Ghana game.

There’s got to be a way to watch the games. I just don’t know what it is. You would think they would at least be on youtube – not that I’ve really looked yet.

06/23/2010 5:39 pm

Hahaha. I didn’t watch the England game but I was reading a live blog about it. And then I watched the Ghana/Germany game.

I love soccer now! I just wish I knew how to watch the English Premier League / Bundesliga…. and also what teams to support.

AAR Heather
AAR Heather
06/23/2010 5:21 pm

I did! Between flipping back and forth between that game and England’s game, I was almost dizzy!

06/23/2010 4:34 pm

l hope you enjoyed the game because i know I sure did!!!!


06/23/2010 4:34 pm

l hope you enjoyed the game because i know I sure did!!!!


06/23/2010 8:32 am

AHHHHHHHHHHh I’m in the same boat! I’m a big fan of international sporting events. Thus the World Cup and I are in love. A large part of that is due to the fact that soccer players are really attractive.

I don’t really know that much about soccer but it’s been fun to watch. Personally I’m a big fan of Carlos Bocanegra (he’s my new soccer love) but I digress. Today is a FANTASTIC day to watch socccer with both England and the US playing to stay in the cup. Yep. You know I’ll be glued to ESPN3.com at work today. Good times!