Movie Memory Lane
This weekend, I somehow got hold of a copy of the original Star Wars trilogy (not that misbegotten, atrocious affair from the 90s), and I had a glorious 6-hour marathon going back to Yoda, Han Solo (ah, Harrison Ford), Chewbacca and the droids. Yeah, it’s corny and a half. Yeah, the special effects don’t compare to modern ones. But it’s so fun! It’s so energetic! And Harrison Ford is just…sigh. (Although I still think Carrie Fisher doesn’t deserve him. And what the hell is with that bikini?)
I don’t know what it is about certain movies, songs, and books that you associate with your childhood and happiness, but Star Wars is definitely one. I’m sure I can look back to it happily when stories were a lots less complicated, and all the good guys lived, and even Darth Vader turned good at the end. It’s no less simplistic now, but it seems so much less innocent as well.
Anyway, here’s the original trailer for The Empire Strikes Back, which is my favourite of the three. (The first one was just a bit tooooooo cheesy, and I’m still not sure about the Ewoks.)
Are there movies that bring back good memories for you? Any recent trips down memory lane?
– Jean AAR
We’re likely to try to fix the mailing address/billing address thing.
I am adding this post to my favorites and showing it to my professor in school.
Some good ideas here, not sure I agree with them all but made me think nonetheless. I’ll be chekcing back another time. Cheers.
Ditto all the mentions, except Die Hard which I’ve somehow escaped seeing. And it’s on my list, it really is. I just never get the chance.
And put down MGM musicals as well. Good times.
I’m such a nerd! I love all the movies mentioned here. Raiders of the Lost Ark (I actually liked when Marion and Indy married in this last one!), Die Hard (I love Justin Long, so adding him in the most recent movie was a bonus for me!), ET, Jurassic Park (there is a scene in the book which I wish they had done in the movie. The professor and two kids get into a canoe and go down river to escape T-Rex and he goes into the water after them, swimming like a crocodile. Awesome!) but of course the Star Wars films are my true loves. (The originals. I still haven’t forgiven Lucas for episodes 1-3.)
I caught Jurassic Park on TV over the weekend and enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time. I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid (I know, I know, it’s a boy thing) and I completely understood the awe with which they viewed them. And talk about scary! The T-Rex and the raptors had me going all again.
I also love the mystical wonder of Close Encounters and I make it a point to watch Jaws every single summer. And ET? Probably my favorite film of all time. Clearly, I’m a Spielberg fan.
I have to agree with Ellen about Raiders of The Lost Ark, which is my all-time favorite movie ever. I wore out my first VHS copy of the movie, and I still have basically all the dialogue from the movie memorized. And I have always preferred the Fedora-ed and unshaven Harrison Ford.
Raiders of the Lost Ark. I loved that movie when it came out, and I love it still. One of the best things about it is that the effects were all done pre-CGI and when they roll a truck, they really ROLL a truck.
Die Hard. I was on the edge of my seat watching that movie and I recently watched it again and it’s still as good as ever. Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber is one of the best villains on screen and I was surprised at how charismatic Bruce Willis was on the big screen.