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A Guest Post & Giveaway from Stella Riley

Lords of Misrule March 2016

Still tied to his desk in the Intelligence Office, Colonel Eden Maxwell has become increasingly disenchanted with both Oliver Cromwell and his own daily existence; and with the advent of new Royalist conspiracies, he despairs of ever getting away.
Then a brick hurled through the window of a small workshop sets in motion a new and unexpected chain of events. After all, who would want to hurt Lydia Neville – a young widow, giving work and self-respect to maimed war veterans considered unemployable elsewhere? But when the assaults in Duck Lane escalate, threatening the life and remaining limbs of some of Eden’s former troopers, finding the culprit becomes personal.

At their first meeting, Lydia finds Colonel Maxwell annoying; by their second, having discovered that he had arrested and questioned her brother in connection with the Ship Tavern Plot, she mistrusts his motives. On the other hand, it swiftly becomes plain that she needs his help … and has difficulty resisting his smile.
Solving the increasingly hazardous mystery surrounding Lydia is not Eden’s only task. Between plots to assassinate the Lord Protector and a rising in Scotland, he must also mend the fences within his own family and get to know his son. Life suddenly goes from mind-numbing boredom to frenetic complexity.

With reckless Cavaliers lurking around every corner and a government still struggling to find its way, Lords of Misrule is set against a time of national discontent and general failure. But readers of the previous books in the series can look forward to catching up with old friends as well as meeting new ones … while, against all the odds, Eden and Lydia find danger and reward in equal measure.


The Roundheads & Cavaliers series is beginning to feel like my life’s work! As some readers will know, The Black Madonna was first published in 1992 with Garland of Straw following a year later. But then I took rather a long break so The King’s Falcon didn’t appear until 2014 – by which time it was a very different book to the one I’d originally planned. Fortunately, Lords of Misrule is making its début in two years, not twenty … but I have the disturbing feeling that it may not be the final book.

When I began the series, the mid-seventeenth century wasn’t fashionable and very few writers used it. I remember being told by my then-publisher that ‘It would be so much better if you’d chosen the Napoleonic Wars, dear.’ Nowadays, it’s becoming more popular but I’m not aware of another author treading the particular path I’ve chosen – which is to move chronologically through the period, telling a different story in each book whilst mixing real people with fictional ones and covering the historical background in detail.

The Black Madonna March 2016But, for the sake of some readers who haven’t yet been tempted by the series, let me go back (very briefly!) to the beginning. With an enthusiasm born of naiveté, I set out to write four saga-length books covering the period between 1640 and 1660. If I’d had any idea of what I was taking on or the perils and pitfalls that lay ahead, I’d have run a mile. Since I didn’t, I embarked on The Black Madonna – in which Luciano del Santi, an Italian goldsmith-cum-moneylender, pursues intensely personal goals through the first Civil War, getting caught up in it at Powick, at Bristol and, most spectacularly, at the storming of Basing House.

Garland of Straw March 2016Garland of Straw covers the second Civil War and the period leading up to the trial and execution of Charles 1. When I look at this now, I’ve no idea how I managed to deal with the horrendous political complexities of that time. It’s frankly scary. No surprise that a handful of readers rate it my best work while many others are left feeling shell-shocked! However, the story here revolves around a marriage made in hell; that of a well-born Royalist lady to an illegitimate Roundhead Colonel – both of whom appeared briefly in Madonna.

kings-falcon-march-2016The King’s Falcon is Colonel Ashley Peverell – a Royalist soldier and spy. The book begins with Charles the Second’s Worcester campaign of 1651 and I’ll admit that, if I’m especially proud of anything I’ve written, it’s my account of the fateful battle of Worcester which is shown from both sides; Ashley fighting beside the King … and Eden Maxwell serving under Cromwell. The tale then shifts to Paris and the long, bitter and poverty-stricken exile endured by the Cavaliers. Since I’ve always enjoyed amateur dramatics, I also took the opportunity to indulge my love of theatre by making my heroine a French actress.

It was in The Black Madonna that I first introduced Eden Maxwell who, at the age of twenty, makes a disastrous marriage which severely affects his life for years to come. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked for ‘Eden’s story’. If I’m honest, I’ve occasionally regretted not killing him off in one of his many battles! But I didn’t and he’s survived all three Civil Wars to finally get his own book … Lords of Misrule. This opens roughly eight months after the end of Falcon on the day Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector and the historical background is mainly concerned with failure; failure of the government to achieve a workable and stable system and failure of the Cavaliers to bring any of their many conspiracies to a useful conclusion.
Research for each of these books takes a minimum of three months and the book itself – some 620 pages – takes a year to write. I’ve a library of roughly eighty books on the mid-seventeenth century. Amongst my favourites are those by C.V. Wedgwood and Maurice Ashley but the most useful is S.R. Gardiner’s eight-volume set comprising History of the Great Civil War and History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate which I like because it contains primary source material, unadulterated by personal opinions.

With regard to Lords of Misrule, I’m also indebted to David Underdown’s Royalist Conspiracy in England. Since Colonel Maxwell is still – reluctantly and very unhappily! – working in the Intelligence Office, it was only natural to feature the Ship Tavern and Gerard’s Plots from his perspective as well as that of the conspirators. An additional pleasure was allowing my old friend Sir William Compton to make a guest appearance. I Splendid Defiance March 2016first met him at the siege of Banbury in A Splendid Defiance, followed him to Colchester in Garland of Straw and, in Lords of Misrule, he pops up again as one of the Sealed Knot’s six founder members. In fact, Eden meets two of Sir William’s co-founders as well … but since Secretary Thurloe didn’t know any of their names at that time, history dictates that Eden had to keep his suspicions to himself.

I love the seventeenth century. Aside from its huge influence on our modern-day monarchy and Parliament, I love the richness and diversity of it; the drama, the poignancy and the vast array of characters. What I don’t love is that it is rarely taught in schools – with the result that it is beset with myths, such as the mistaken belief that Oliver Cromwell set the whole Civil War ball rolling all on his own.

A little earlier I referred to A Splendid Defiance. Technically, this is not part of the Roundheads & Cavaliers series but it is closely related through character and location. Lovers of audio books may wish to note that, having finished narrating my Rockliffe series of Georgian romances, the lovely and outrageously-talented Alex Wyndham will be bringing Defiance to life later this year with his own particular magic.

During the last few weeks, since completing Lords of Misrule, I’ve taken on a different sort of challenge – that of turning the trial of Charles 1 into a short play to be performed in Sandwich’s medieval courtroom at the end of August. This, in turn, has inveigled me into assisting with the direction and also playing the role of Anne Fairfax. The latter was definitely not part of the plan!

And my next project? I’m currently in the very early stages of contemplating a fourth (and probably final) book in the Rockliffe series. Aside from finding out what happens to Nicholas, Madeleine and Aristide, I’d quite like to be a fly on the wall when Adrian meets Grandpa Maitland. I also suspect that Lords of Misrule may lead to requests for further instalments in the life of Toby Maxwell. But that, as they say, is for another day.iley

–Stella Riley


Ms. Riley is offering three (3) copies of Lords of Misrule to three lucky readers – leave a comment to be entered into the giveaway.


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05/25/2016 1:17 am

I bought the Rockliffe series after the AAR recommendation in March of last year, then subsequently bought all the R & C books, and The Marigold Chain. I finished reading Lords of Misrule Sunday. I loved them all. They have a wonderful mix of romance, well-defined and interesting characters, great dialog, and fascinating information on period of history I haven’t really studied much. (Although since Sunday, I’ve started reading up on it.) Thanks to AAR for introducing me to Stella Riley and thanks to Ms. Riley for writing some of my new favorite romances!

05/20/2016 6:36 pm

I’ve got a Stella Riley book in my TBR, and after reading the interview it’s now moved up significantly. These sound like my kind of catnip — smart, atmospheric, definitely not wallpaper history, and (best of all) highly romantic.

Reply to  Susan/DC
05/21/2016 5:16 am

That description is spot on, Susan. We share a taste in catnip ;)

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Caz
05/21/2016 11:10 am

Thanks for the review, Caz. As always, your keen insight hits the right notes.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Susan/DC
05/21/2016 11:09 am

I’m a stickler for historical accuracy, Susan but my real love is creating characters who become real, not just for me, but for my readers. I don’t know which book of mine you’ve got on your TBR pile – but dive in and give it a go.

05/19/2016 8:19 pm

If I don’t win it, I’ll buy it. You are a wonderful writer and I love your books. A Splendid Defiance is just plain splendid. Thank you so much for it!

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Emily
05/21/2016 11:02 am

Thank you so much, Emily. Defiance is a favourite of mine as well – which it why I’m keen to hear Awesome Alex narrate it.

Beth Barnard
Beth Barnard
05/19/2016 7:02 pm

Looking forward to this series after i finish the Rockliffe series.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Beth Barnard
05/21/2016 11:04 am

You’ll have gathered from Caz’s review that the R&C books are much more detailed and longer than Rockliffe, Beth. But you shouldn’t find much difference in the style/quality of the writing.

Robin Collins
Robin Collins
05/19/2016 5:54 pm

I also love this time period and am looking forward to this new book. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Robin Collins
05/21/2016 11:06 am

If you already know just a little about the English Civil Wars – and are happy to have history mixed up with romance – there’s a good chance you’ll like The Black Madonna. I may be biased but Luciano del Santi is definitely dishy.

05/19/2016 5:42 pm

I have The Black Madonna in my TBR pile. Thanks for this giveaway!

05/19/2016 2:04 pm

I love the Rockliffe series, but I have not started the Roundheads & Cavaliers. On my TBR for sure.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  susan
05/21/2016 11:00 am

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed Rockliffe & Co, Susan. Have you listened to lovely Alex Wyndham narrating them yet?

05/19/2016 12:58 pm

I love Stella Riley’s books! I have a paperback of A Splendid Defiance I’m never getting rid of although I have the digital version, too. I’m completing series as I am able. It’s because of Ms. Riley that I’m so interested in the Restoration period.
Thanks for this giveaway!

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Karen
05/21/2016 10:57 am

Thank you for your comments, Karen. I’ve just up-dated the cover of A Splendid Defiance – the new one is a little-known portrait of Prince Rupert housed in Banbury Town Hall. And if it’s print versions you’re collecting, Lords of Misrule will be available in paperback by the end of next week.

Valerie L
Valerie L
05/19/2016 12:45 pm

These are books I MUST read. Thank you.

05/19/2016 12:08 pm

I haven’t read this series, but it’s an interesting time period.

mel burns
mel burns
05/19/2016 10:20 am

Very good news! Thank you Stella Riley for the giveaway and many many thanks to Caz for bringing SR to my attention.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  mel burns
05/21/2016 10:54 am

Caz’s reviews are always exceptional, Mel – and I’m glad you were one of the 1200 or so folk who picked up Madonna while it was free.

Jo-Ann W.
Jo-Ann W.
05/19/2016 10:19 am

I’ve wanted to read a Stella Riley book for quite a while now! This just gave me the push to put The Black Madonna to the top of my TBR pile. Thanks.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Jo-Ann W.
05/21/2016 10:51 am

OK, Jo-Ann. If you picked up the freebie, no more excuses!

05/19/2016 9:16 am

I just started reading your books in January, and I’ve now read them all except The Marigold Chain. They’re great, and a nice change from Regencies.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Becca
05/21/2016 10:46 am

Thank you, Becca. The Marigold Chain provokes mixed reactions so I’d be interested to hear your opinion of it.

05/19/2016 8:45 am

I have The Black Madonna on my TBR and look forward to learning about this period of history. I suspect I will read the entire series even if I don’t win a copy of Lords of Misrule.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  LeeF
05/21/2016 10:47 am

The English Civil Wars are complicated – to say the least of it! Give it a whirl and see how you get on.

Lillian Marek
Lillian Marek
05/19/2016 8:20 am

My fascination with this period comes from studying Restoration drama—a step back and there you are in the English Civil Wars. Perhaps because it’s so distant in time, it’s easy to recognize the virtues of both sides. It would have been so easy to have people on both sides in the same family. I love when there are real conflicts like that in a story.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Lillian Marek
05/21/2016 10:44 am

From what you say, I think you’d like The Black Madonna. Eden on one side and his wife on another forms a central part of the story.

Carol Cork
Carol Cork
05/19/2016 7:40 am

A wonderful insight into this series, Stella. Ever since visiting Boscobel House on a school trip and seeing the oak tree the future Charles II hid in to escape capture by the Roundheads, I’ve been fascinated by this period in British History. I also lived in Droitwich for a number of years and was able to visit The Commandery Museum in Worcester. This is a series I definitely want to read.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Carol Cork
05/21/2016 10:43 am

Thank you, Carol. If you want a taste of my Civil War world that’s a bit shorter than the actual R& C series, try A Splendid Defiance.

05/19/2016 2:44 am

So happy to know that Nicholas is going to have his book! I only read your Rockcliffe series, but I think it’s time to start with this one.

Stella Riley
Stella Riley
Reply to  Paola
05/21/2016 10:42 am

Glad you’re enjoying Rockliffe, Paola. And if you picked up the freebie of The Black Madonna, that’s a good place to begin with the R&C series.