The Passions of Emma by Penelope Williamson is 2.99

from our DIK review:

A number of scenes brought tears to my eyes and those were not for Bria alone. Although this is a beautiful tale of women’s friendship, it is also a two-fold romance – first between Bria and Shay and secondly between Shay and Emma and it works. There are significant obstacles to their happiness from within and without but knowing Emma and Shay so intimately before they become a couple succeeds in making their romance all the more rewarding.

The Passions of Emma’s distinctive narrative is poignant, heartening, and rousing but such it is for Penelope Williamson’s older books. I am left with this feeling of exhilaration because I just read one of those really great ones but disappointment as well knowing it will be a while before I read another one this good.