Debbie Macomber and Me

One of the many things I love about “romance” as a genre is how varied the definition of it is. For some readers who identify as “romance readers”, it’s all about billionaires, or motorcycle clubs, or Regency ballrooms, or small towns in Colorado. For some it’s a mixture of all, for some it’s an exclusive relationship. It’s so much fun for me to imagine readers in all corners of the world, interacting with the same characters I do or ones I will never know. I tend to interact with fellow romance readers exclusively online, with the exception of a few friends and my mother.

My mother is who gave me the gift of reading, the gift of knowing other people through words. She introduced me to Charlotte’s Web, teaching me about friendship and grief, to Anne of Green Gables, teaching me about dreams and community, and eventually to Nora Roberts’ vast backlist, teaching me myriads of other things, but most importantly in the power of love to conquer all.

Debbie Macomber classifies as one of her favorites over the past several years, with the Mrs. Miracle and Rose Harbor books amongst the favorites. When a local bookstore advertised on Facebook recently that Ms. Macomber was going to be doing a signing in our area, I immediately called my mother. She’d never been to an author event before, as they are scarce in our particular area for authors she follows, so she was eager to go. I’m not a massive fan of Ms. Macomber’s books, personally, but have read them and have enjoyed several. I was happy to play book buddy to my mom’s evening, so off we went.

We arrived, were greeted by the incredibly friendly and efficient staff of the local bookstore, and took our seats. The signing came with a copy of her newest book, Sweet Tomorrows, which is also the conclusion of the Rose Harbor series, so there was a lot of buzz around us as people flipped through their copies and talked about the characters.

The room was mostly women, for sure, with some men who were mostly likely husbands peppered throughout. The age range was dominantly over 50, but there were several younger women as well. I sat and listened (okay, eavesdropped) to several conversations around me, hearing snippets of some. A few people behind me spoke about how nice it was to read “nice books” where the drama was natural and between people, and how reading was a nice antidote to the news. Some women were saying they loved having a book series they could read with their granddaughters and daughters, some men were remarking on watching the Hallmark Channel adaptations of Ms. Macomber’s works.

I was struck by the fact that I was in a room with two hundred odd people who live with these stories. They know the characters, they follow them as friends, and they count Ms. Macomber as a trusted guide through her fictional worlds. For some, this was a way to say thank you to the woman who inspired them and brought them comfort, for some it was a way to find out some gossip about upcoming works, and for others it was simply a chance to expand their engagement with the stories.

And yet, research tells us that readers and writers of romance continue to face a stigma that their stories are lesser. The stories they create, the stories they enjoy; these works are somehow found wanting by the larger literary community. As I looked around that room that evening, none of those people thought what they were reading was lesser. Perhaps after reading Ms. Macomber’s newest, they’d pick up a Booker Prize winner, but maybe not and why should anyone care?

This piggybacked to me when Ms. Macomber came out to speak and talked about how she was a storyteller who had to learn how to be a writer. She shared the trials of her early career, some anecdotes about sacrifice, faith, dreams, and hope, and thanked her readers for sharing the stories with her. She knows her place in the universe; to tell stories that entertain people and bring them joy.

I left the event with a similar feeling as when I finish a good book. I was uplifted by being in a room with fellow readers, even if they read differently than I do. I was touched by Ms. Macomber’s candor and the mutual respect I could feel between her and her readers. As I said before, I’m not an avid reader of her works, but meeting her and meeting all those people who loved the stories has given me pause to consider dipping back in. After all, if her stories weave book magic for these folks, maybe they will for me.


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Jo McNally
Jo McNally
08/25/2016 3:36 pm

I enjoy Debbie Macomber’s books when I’m in the mood for something gentle and uplifting. My romance reading choices tend to be hotter and more emotional (with the occasional billionaire thrown in for fun!), but Macomber’s books are so well-written and create such a wonderful sense of place. You can tell she truly cares about her characters and the world they live in. Therefore the reader cares, too. I didn’t realize she was ending Rose Harbor – I wonder what’s next?

elaine smith
elaine smith
08/25/2016 3:03 pm

Every week I read the book reviews in 2 major UK newspapers. I always read the reviews of “Literary Fiction” with great care. It seems to me that most of them are about: death, suicide depression, divorce, separation, damaged children, general unhappiness, maladjustment and other fun and catchy topics. And so, I refrain every time from going out and reading one of these tomes. I, too, like stories about “real folks with real folk problems” but I do not feel that the bulk of the general population are as unhappy as so many so-called serious novels suggest. I’m all for adventure, detectives, military stories and, yes, romance. Romance, for me, is partly an escape from our troubled world but also a vindication of happiness. I truly believe that most folk are happy, living ordinary lives, having successful relationships and raising well-rounded children. I’ve read a lot of Debbie Macomnber – I think Starlight was the first – and she’s very good. Not my favourite and not on my DIK shelf but a well-rounded and talented story teller. Much better than the bitter and twisted, don’t you think? I read Hilary Mantel’s books about Thomas Cromwell. Not only is she an off-putting sort of woman herself (going by the interviews with her I have heard) but her books were so difficult to read that it was an ordeal to finish them. More romance, please!

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
08/19/2016 11:47 am

I’ve never read her. Where would you start?

Maggie Boyd
Maggie Boyd
08/19/2016 9:58 am

I’ve read many Macomber books over the years, some work better for me than others but I think you hit on the appeal of her writing when you said “where the drama was natural and between people,” A Macomber story is one most people can easily relate to. There aren’t any big villains or weird wills or billionaires. There are moderately successful people, lower middle class folks who struggle to make ends meet, single moms, single dads, illness, cranky neighbors – her novels are peopled by the folks who have lives most of us are intimately familiar with. I think that is what makes them popular with so many.

I’ll just add that she has written a few non-fiction Christian books – God’s Guest List, One Perfect Word, One Simple Act and Once Upon A Time – that I think are excellent. I was surprised at the difference in her writing style between fiction and non-fiction and thought what she had to say was actually quite meaningful and helpful. When my church book group picked one of them to read I think I actually rolled my eyes. How wrong I was! I’m glad I read the book as it was actually very good.

08/19/2016 9:54 am

I read one of Ms. Macomber’s category books a long long time ago and contacted her about it, asking if her marriage influenced the story and she wrote back about how her husband inspired her writing. I was very impressed.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
08/19/2016 8:18 am

This is lovely. Thanks so much for sharing this Kristen.