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Poldark: A BBC Winner

Ross and DemelzaWhen Dabney recently asked for ideas for new TV shows to watch, shows with well-developed relationships and strong female characters, I chimed in immediately to suggest she might like to watch the BBC’s new adaptation of Poldark, an eight part costume drama set in late 18th Century Cornwall. It’s due to air in the US in June on PBS, and has just reached the end of its run here in the UK, with the promise of a second series to come next year.

Based on the novels by Winston Graham, this series centres on the first two books in the series – Ross Poldark and Demelza – and tells the story of Ross Poldark, the son of a well-to-do Cornish family who returns from fighting in America to discover that his father is dead, his home is falling down, the family mining concerns are in a bad way and, to add insult to injury, the woman he loves is about to marry his cousin. Fortunately, Ross is not a man to be easily put down, and, hiding the hurt he feels, he instead rolls up his sleeves (literally) and sets about repairing his home and trying to find a way to make a living and regenerate his business interests. There is love, heartbreak, self-discovery, politics and intrigue a-plenty along the way, and it makes for a thoroughly interesting and gripping tale.

If you’re of a certain age – like me! – then you may think that all this sounds rather familiar. And you’d be right, because the BBC actually produced an incredibly successful version of the same stories back in the 1970s, which was, in its day, just as massive a hit as the new one has proved to be. According to its original star, Sunday evening church services in Cornwall were re-scheduled so as to avoid too many empty pews as people stayed in for their weekly fix of Ross, Demelza and their trials and tribulations in the Cornish mining community.   Robin Ellis made a handsome, dashing Ross and the lovely, late Angharad Rees simply lit up the screen as Demelza. The two had fantastic chemistry, but their love story – not always a garden of roses – was just one of many facets of the story which kept something like 15 million viewers (that’s a lot for over here!) tuning in week after week. It was just as successful overseas, and this new version looks set to emulate that success. The first four books were dramatized; the author then went on to write a further eight books, ending the saga with Bella Poldark, published in 2008, three years before his death.

Now, forty years later, the BBC has dusted off the books and given it makeover and I freely admit to being one of those who thought “but will it be as good as the original?” when the project was announced. But I have faith in Auntie (the BBC) and settled down to watch the first episode with my eldest daughter who is around the same age as I was when I watched the original version.

It didn’t take me long to be completely won over. The locations are beautiful – incredibly that really IS Cornwall and not the South of France – the scripts are following the books fairly closely and the writing and acting are very good. Obviously, there are going to be things that don’t quite work for everyone – the eternal hazard of the adaptation – but the changes I’ve noticed are a mixture both good and … not so good. For example, the character of Elizabeth, Ross’ former love is much more rounded and likeable than in the books (or the 70s adaptation) while I think that his cousin, Francis, has suffered somewhat in translation. Not that any man doesn’t pale in comparison to Ross (or it’s gorgeous star, Aidan Turner!), but the Francis of the books – and as played by Clive Francis in the 70s – had much more charm and intelligence, despite the fact that the character makes some horrible choices and often finds himself on the back foot. There were also times I felt things were moving a little TOO quickly, and some characters had been somewhat marginalised and their motivations not fully explored, but sacrifices always have to be made in dramatisations, so I’m happy with the way things have played out so far.

Much of the current series’ success is undoubtedly due to the pulling-power of the actor chosen to play Ross. Aidan Turner will be familiar to many as the vampire Mitchell in the MitchellBBC’s Being Human or the dwarf Kili in The Hobbit, and his casting is the perfect example of what happens when the right actor is cast in the right part at the right time. Not only is he a very fine actor – someone said recently that his performance goes beyond acting because he completely inhabits the character of Ross, which I think is spot on – but his dark good looks and honed physique have inspired the female population of Britain to heights of lust not seen since the appearance of Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy in a wet shirt.   He’s completely nailed the character of the rebellious, slightly dangerous Ross, whose knack for finding and starting trouble caused his father to send him off into the army in an attempt to keep him on the straight and narrow. Ross is very intelligent, a man of principle and a born leader, but he’s also arrogant and impulsive, apt to let his hot tempter get the better of him, and his propensity for flouting authority gets him into hot water many times. But unlike most of the local gentry, he actually gives a damn about his tenants and workers and wants to improve their lot if he can. This is one of the things that sets him apart from his family and his class – he’s a man who is prepared to go out on a limb for what he believes in. He’s not perhaps a hero in the truest sense of the word – he’s hugely flawed and some of his actions are questionable at best – but there’s no denying he’s utterly compelling.

DelViewers have been captivated by the romance between the initially broken-hearted Ross and the young woman he rescues from a beating and eventually marries, Demelza Carne (played by Eleanor Tomlinson). She’s just as captivating a character as Ross, a young woman of the lower classes who falls in love with her employer with no desire for anything other than to stay by his side, and who is just as amazed as everyone else when she ends up as his wife. There’s undoubtedly an element of rebellion in Ross’s sudden decision to marry her after she effectively seduces him – he knows those of his class will be shocked and outraged, and almost relishes the prospect – but he reckons without Demelza’s dignity and determination. She wants to be a credit to her husband, and it’s wonderful to see her growth throughout the books, as she blossoms from a gawky, socially inept young woman into a woman who can hold her own – and rise above – the highest in society. She’s kind and generous of spirit, possessed of an innate wisdom as well as a fiery temper – and even Ross knows she’s a far better match for him, a than a society lady would have been:

If one overlooked her beginnings she was a not unsuitable match for an impoverished farmer squire. She had already proved her worth about the house and farm, none better, and she had grown into his life in a way he had hardly realized.

But sometimes her naivéte causes her to make poor decisions, (as we see at the end of this series) and unfortunately these are going to have far-reaching consequences.

But that’s for the future. Right now, Ross and Demelza have faced down the scandal of their marriage, confronted the enmity of Ross’s cousin Francis, and the ruthless business dealings of Ross’ nemesis, George Warleggan; they’ve experienced a terrible tragedy and are facing ruin, as well as contending with the problems faced by their workers and tenants. Ross and Demelza’s marriage is already under strain and will be tested even further as the story continues. It’s hard to read and I’m sure will be hard to watch, but on the other hand, it’s one of the strengths of the books. This is a marriage that, while it has a fairytale element to it at the beginning –the master marrying his serving maid – has to be worked at if it’s to survive.   Because of that, and all of the things Ross and Demelza go through – and it’s not all bad; they have some great times, too – it has a realism to it that makes it all the more enthralling.

I’m writing this just as the series has come to an end, and, in common with the majority of the female population of Britain, am wondering what I’m going to do with my Sunday evenings. I don’t watch much TV these days, but I will certainly miss my weekly dose of Poldark and the lovely Mr Turner. It’s been a while since I’ve read the books, so perhaps a re-read is in order to tide me over.

–AAR’s Caz


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Rosie Powell
Rosie Powell
12/03/2015 10:18 pm

By the way . . . Demelza is a Mary Sue and I wish she wasn’t.

Rosie Powell
Rosie Powell
12/03/2015 10:17 pm

Man, now I can’t wait for this show! You Brits do all the best TV!

Hmmm . . . not really. They still have to account for the overrated mediocrity of “”DOWNTOWN ABBEY””. And I’ve seen too many US shows that are just as good or better.

05/08/2015 9:50 pm

Aidan Turner was also great as Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the miniseries Desperate Romantics.

Georgia Carter Mathers
Georgia Carter Mathers
05/04/2015 6:10 am

What! Sexier than Colin Firth’s wet shirt scene. Okay, I can see that. I haven’t seen or read any of these books, but I’ve put the books on my TBR list. I usually won’t read historical fiction because I get too picky, but I think I’ll make an exception for these books. :)

Reply to  Georgia Carter Mathers
05/04/2015 6:55 am

Way sexier! ;) The books are a great mixture of romance, adventure, politics, intrigue, family feuds… and are well worth reading. The final four, maybe six, are more like “”Poldark – The Next Generation””, with the children of the original characters becoming more prominent, although Ross and Demelza etc. are still a very strong presence.

05/03/2015 1:00 pm

I’ve heard of either the series or the book not sure which but as soon as I read the title of this post I thought I’ve heard of that.But I’ve never read or watched it.But you most certainly have me VERY intrigued.
And even as a dwarf, Aidan Turner was very fine.The first moment I saw the cast of the movie a few years ago, I thought “Hellloo!” and found him just as if not more attractive then Richard Armitage.
And you also have me interested in the original version.Is it out on DVD by any chance?

Two seasons of the 1970’s version is on Amazon. Don’t know if that is the entire series though. My memory is kind of fuzzy on that.

Season 1:

Season 2:

Jean Wan
Jean Wan
05/02/2015 5:52 pm

And by the way, Being Human is amazing. It’s so good. It’s bloody, but it’s such great entertaining TV.

Jean Wan
Jean Wan
05/02/2015 5:52 pm

Oh Poldark. I think I’m actually more in love with Demelza than Ross – there’s just a little too much of the … [what’s a male Mary Sue? Well, that] in Ross. He almost strikes me as a weeeeee bit anachronistic in his rabid leftism. But Demelza is wonderful, and E Tomlinson is wonderfully fey and snarky and loving.

North America definitely has a treat in store, but holy cow – there are some serious tribulations up ahead for Ross and Demelza. Big time. A part of me is actually really dreading it.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Jean Wan
05/03/2015 9:49 am

This is why I’m ambivalent about watching Season Two of Outlander.

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
05/03/2015 2:31 pm

Same here. I was losing interest in DiA anyway and ended up not finishing it after I found out what happened in the intervening years. That wasn’t the only reason, but I just couldn’t work up the enthusiasm. I imagine Starz may be faced with a similar problem (to what I was talking about in my response to Jean) as people who haven’t read the books decide not to keep watching.

Reply to  Jean Wan
05/03/2015 2:25 pm

*nods* Yep, S2 is going to be difficult if they stick closely to the books – and I can’t think that they won’t. I think the BBC must be rubbing their hands with glee at the frenzy surrounding Aidan Turner, but the problem with that is when you have a fascinating character like Ross who is portrayed by a heart-rhrob actor, when the character does something… let’s say “”unpalatable””, as we know he does in the books, you risk alienating a large proportion of your audience, who are watching for the gorgeous hero and the romance. I’ve already seen comments to the effect “”if that happens, I’ll stop watching”” which is daft, but what happens in certain areas of certain fanbases
I would also agree that a Ross has been somewhat over-romanticised, which is going to make what’s to come even harder to pull off.

Oh and yes, Eleanor Tomlinson is wonderful.

Katie (kat)
Katie (kat)
05/02/2015 10:37 am

You had me at Kili the dwarf in the Hobbit movies. I will defintiely check this out. Thanks for the heads up.

Reply to  Katie (kat)
05/02/2015 5:40 pm

Aidan Turner made a ridiculously pretty dwarf, didn’t he? :P

Poldark-fever has been ridiculous over here, and I honestly don’t think it would have been quite the same with someone else in the title role. It’s a great story, the locations are lovely and Ross is a really interesting character – but like I said, the right actor at the right time has made all the difference. Thankfully, AT is much more than just a pretty face – the man has such an expressive face, he can speak volumes without opening his mouth.

Alyssa Everett
Alyssa Everett
05/01/2015 7:52 pm

Thanks so much for the review, Caz! Like you, I’m old enough to remember enjoying the original BBC Poldark. It’s the first costume drama I can remember watching, and those Sunday nights spent in front of the TV with my mother are largely responsible for my love of history. I completely agree that Angharad Rees lit up the screen (I wanted to be Demelza, even if Elizabeth did have prettier clothes), but even the secondary characters were wonderful, from the dashing Dr. Ennis to the utterly loathsome Osborne Whitworth.

I’m eager to watch the new series with my own daughter. She’s a college student, majoring in history. Sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Reply to  Alyssa Everett
05/02/2015 8:56 am

Oh – wow – same here! My eldest is coming up for 16, but has been a total history nut since… well, as long as either of us can remember, and is planning to study it at A level and then University.

I think the BBC has done the books proud although, as I said, there are some things which were perhaps done better in the original version, but then, things have moved on. TV tends to be much faster paced these days, and while I do think some things have been glossed over (Keren Daniels has been made into a very one-dimensional character in this version), the plotlines are sticking closely to the books. Of course, that’s going to mean some very unpleasant (to say the least) events in series 2, but it’s bound to be compelling stuff.

05/01/2015 7:37 pm

You’ve calmed a lot (if not all) of my fears and made me look forward to it. Thanks!

Reply to  CLM
05/02/2015 8:58 am

I’m glad to have helped! As I said, some things have worked better and others not as well, but that’s one of the problems with adaptations – you’re never going to be able include absolutely everything or satisfy all the people.

But it’s well worth watching. And if, in the end, you decide it’s not for you, there’s always the DVDs of the 70s version to fall back on!

05/01/2015 5:39 pm

My local PBS station has been replaying the 70’s version of Poldark for the past couple of months. I didn’t see it in the 70’s, but I saw it when it was repeated in the 80’s. I loved Robin Ellis. I’m looking forward to the remake and seeing more of Aiden Turner.

Reply to  Karen
05/01/2015 6:33 pm

Heh – and you’ll see a fair bit of Aidan Turner! (*ahem*). Although we’re not talking anything particularly racy here – this is the BBC after all! But shirtless, he’s a sight for sore eyes and then some ;)

But in all seriousness, it’s excellent TV and I hope you enjoy it.

05/01/2015 5:37 pm

Very much looking forward to this upcoming series in June! Thank for the review today.

Reply to  Blackjack1
05/01/2015 6:34 pm

You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy it, Blackjack. It’s really caught the popular imagination over here in a way I haven’t seen in a long time.

05/01/2015 5:25 pm

Normally, I’m a little leery of remakes, particularly when I have very fond memories of the original movie/television series. And that certainly applies to the seventies version of “”Poldark””–Robin Ellis was (is?) such a hunk! But, I am intrigued by this upcoming remake, so come June, I’ll be watching!

KristieJ: Is it out on DVD by any chance?

KristieJ, I don’t know if it’s still available, but several years ago, I bought the first season DVD of the seventies “”Poldark”” at the local Barnes & Noble store. Check the B&N website to see if they still have it!

Reply to  RobinB
05/01/2015 6:31 pm

Incidentally, Robin Ellis makes a couple of (very good) cameo appearances as Rev. Halse in a couple of episodes.

I, too, was wary, but this is great TV, although I will say that things do move rather faster in this adaptation than the last one. I read a couple of interviews with both Robin Ellis and Aidan Turner in which they said they had not spoken directly about the character, but rather about how the series had been filmed previously, with each episode being rather like a “”mini play”” – rehearsed and then shot in sequence.

05/01/2015 1:31 pm

I’ve heard of either the series or the book not sure which but as soon as I read the title of this post I thought I’ve heard of that. But I’ve never read or watched it. But you most certainly have me VERY intrigued.
And even as a dwarf, Aidan Turner was very fine. The first moment I saw the cast of the movie a few years ago, I thought “”Hellloo!”” and found him just as if not more attractive then Richard Armitage.
And you also have me interested in the original version. Is it out on DVD by any chance?

Reply to  KristieJ
05/01/2015 3:37 pm

The 70s version is definitely available here in the UK, but I don’t know about elsewhere. But yes, it does exist. In fact, I still have the series on video – which shows how old I am!

I had to laugh when I read an interview in which AT confirmed that his nickname on the set of The Hobbit was the “”hot dwarf””! But … um… yes, that about sums it up ;) And even when pint-sized, he still gets the girl.

05/01/2015 9:50 am

Definitely looking forward to watching this.

Reply to  LeeB.
05/01/2015 11:44 am

It’s a real treat, Lee. I’m sure you’ll love it!

05/01/2015 9:09 am

Brilliant – I’m sold!! Can’t wait for June. And Caz, you devil, as if your post wasn’t enough, you have to include smoldering Aidan Turner pictures to entice us? How long until we an entice that young lad to cross the pond and become an action star like Colin Firth (go see Kingsman: The Secret Service – overly violent and ridiculously bloody but Colin as a spy! So worth it)?

Reply to  AARJenna
05/01/2015 11:41 am

If you thought Aidan Turner was gorgeous before, you have a treat in store. In this, he’s utterly devastating. And not only does he look wonderful, he sounds it, too – he’s got this deep, dark thing going on with his voice that I guarantee will make you melt in all the right places! :P

Fortunately for the women of the UK, word is he’s signed up for another five years, but yes, he absolutely deserves to hit the big time.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
05/01/2015 8:29 am

Man, now I can’t wait for this show! You Brits do all the best TV!

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
05/01/2015 11:43 am

Heh. Well, you can claim credit for The West Wing, so I’d say we’re quits!