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an interview with author Jo Goodman

Jo Goodman has been writing romance novels for over thirty years. Six of her books have been Desert Island Keepers here at AAR. Many of her historical romances have been set in the US and, for the past several years, she’s written tales set in the late 1880’s on the American Frontier. I’ve been reading Jo’s work since I first began reading romance and am thrilled to get the chance to ask her some questions.

Dabney: Hi Jo, thanks for talking to AAR.

Jo: Always a pleasure to hang out! I appreciate you having me.

Dabney: Your latest book, This Gun for Hire, (a DIK here at AAR) is a western set in Stonechurch, Colorado in 1888. It is not, like the books before it, set in Bitter Springs, Wyoming. Is this book a stand-alone or will it introduce a new series?

Jo:There will be a follow up book featuring a character mentioned in This Gun for Hire. The story will not take place in Stonechurch, but it will include roles for Calico and Quill from This Gun for Hire.

Dabney: Stonechurch, Reidsville, and Bitter Springs are all small frontier towns. What calls to you about that setting?

Jo: Laziness. I enjoy creating the town, spending some time there, but by using the town for more than one story, I don’t have to keep researching and thinking about the lay of the land. I have it pretty well set up in my mind.

Dabney: You are, if I recall correctly, a counselor who routinely works with young people. Many of your heroes and heroines have suffered childhood sexual and violent abuse. In your writing, these victims find their way to happy endings. Is there a tension there for you? Does being able to envision joyful outcomes make it easier or harder to see real lives with less positive ones?

Jo: There is a phenomenon in my work called secondary trauma. This can affect those of us in the helping professions who come face to face with people who have experienced complex trauma. We listen to the stories and cannot help be moved by the experiences, and we keep on listening because these children (and adults) deserve to be heard and often need help to find perspective and hope and healing. Over time, if professional counselors do not care for themselves, the piling on of stories not only hurt your heart, they suck at your soul because the damage is so profound on an individual level and the problem of abuse is so overwhelming on a system level that you can feel helpless. So…I write. It keeps me sane. It keeps me useful. It helps me think about resilience and resourcefulness and reinforces my deep respect for every life well lived.

Dabney: I have read many of your historical romances and enjoyed them all. As I think about them, I can’t think of a single truly bad boy hero. To a man, your heroes are men of honor who take scrupulous care to treat the women they love with respect and sensitivity. Would you ever write a bad boy?

Jo: I can’t quite get my head around a bad boy. I don’t really get the appeal. The bad boy redeemed by the love of a good woman is a tragic myth and makes for a tragic marriage. That’s my take on it.

Dabney: Your books are wonderfully filled with intricate details about the worlds in which they are set. What’s the most interesting research you’ve ever done for a book?

Jo: I always feel like such a fraud when I have to answer questions about research. I don’t think I do as much research as readers seem to think I do, but that could be because I have a head so crowded with odd bits of information that my sister calls me with a question before she googles. (Okay, I was ready to say that was a gross exaggeration, but just as I was starting to write that, she interrupted me with an iMessage with a question she could have asked Siri or googled. Weird.) But back to your question, I suppose the most interesting research was reading about asylums for the mentally ill in the 1860s. There were some terrifying therapies done in those days, and I use the word ‘therapies’ very loosely. I remember one treatment in particular that was practically waterboarding.

Dabney: You’ve written European histories, Westerns, and–I think–one contemporary. Why just the one contemp?

Jo: Time. I really don’t know how writers who have full time jobs manage to write more than a book a year. I squeezed the contemporary in between two historicals, and I enjoyed writing it, but I was exhausted, and not much fun to be around. And then it took 10 years to get it into print. I imagine that I will write more when I retire, or at least reduce my hours.

Dabney: Quill, the hero of This Gun for Hire is, like most of your characters, well-spoken with a prodigious vocabulary and intellect. I am assuming you research word usage from that time. What are some of your favorite words you’ve found that we no longer use in American speech?

Jo: It’s not so much that I find words we no longer use, it’s that I use words that the characters would not have known. I constantly have to check word origins and the date they were first used. Sometimes I play a bit loose with that. Copy editors are really word detectives, and if I miss something, they find it. For instance, I didn’t realize ‘ashtray’ wasn’t a word until 1876. For crying out loud! What did they call it? And potbellied stove? 1936. Don’t even get me started. I do have this terrific little book a friend gave me called Endangered Words. It’s filled with words that will probably just disappear for lack of use. Perfectly good words like desipience, which means foolish trifling or silliness (I randomly plucked it out of the book). The word seems to be so rare spell check doesn’t recognize it and underlined it with the red squiggle. See, that makes me giggle.

Dabney: The heroine of This Gun for Hire, Calico, is a bounty hunter. Were there any female bounty hunters in the 1880’s? Why did you pick that profession for her?

Jo: I have no idea if there were female bounty hunters. That’s the making it up part that I love about writing, but it did seem plausible.

Dabney: What’s next for you? And please tell me we haven’t heard the last from Rabbit and Finn.

Jo: I’ve already finished the follow up book. As for Rabbit and Finn, I liked those rascals, too. I’m not certain I have a book for them. There’s a bit of Peter Pan in me, and I don’t necessary like to see my kid characters grow up.

Dabney: Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us!


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Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth Williams
04/02/2015 12:37 am

looking forward to her next book.

Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth Williams
03/30/2015 11:15 pm

Great interview I rarely see interviews by Jo Goodman. Jo Goodman is my favorite Historical Romance author. My favorite book by her is One Forbidden Evening. Her great writing has forced me to read Westerns only hers mind you as she hasn’t written a European Historical for a few years. My favorite western is Kissing Comfort.

I can’t wait for her to write Regency of Euro Historical s again. I really love her heroes( Kit being my all time favorite hero),such a wonderful change from the same old rake,rogue which has become almost boring. I so agree with her take on the reformed bad boy. Never stop writing Ms.Goodman.

03/29/2015 10:07 pm

Thankyou Dabney and Blackjack1. I think I will start with Compass Club No. 1 and then read the others in the series you recommend ( I can always fill in any missed ones later). I haven’t read a lot of westerns ( though I loved Ellen O’Connell’s Without Words and have another of hers in my TBR pile) so I will look forward to the Jo Goodman’s you recommend. As I have a long international flight (Australia to U.K.) coming up in mid April I will have the perfect excuse to bury my head in a book (iPad). Incidentally if you like westerns keep your eye out for Dorothy M Johnson when you are next in a UBS . A number of her stories were made into movies (The Hanging Tree, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, a Man Called Horse) . Her stories are not romances per se but they are great stories about ordinary people facing all sorts of difficult situations with courage and fortitude.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  GayLauren
03/30/2015 9:14 am

Thanks! I got a bit burnt out on European historicals for a while and have really enjoyed those placed in other settings. Jo’s Westerns really work for me!

03/29/2015 12:28 am

Interesting interview Dabney. I haven’t read any of Jo Goodman’s books but they sound interesting so where would you (and/or Blackjack1, Linniegayl, LeeB , Karenmc) who have read many of her books suggest I start?

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  GayLauren
03/29/2015 1:56 pm

For her European historicals, I love The Price of Desire, All I Ever Needed, or One Forbidden Evening. For the ones set in the US, I’d start with Never Love a Lawman. I love all the Reidsville books.

Reply to  GayLauren
03/29/2015 5:22 pm

My favorites from her British historical romances in order: Beyond a Wicked Kiss (Compass Club #4), Let Me Be the One (Compass Club #1), A Season to Be Sinful, The Price of Desire, and If His Kiss Is Wicked. Actually, I really liked all of the books in the Compass Club series.

My favorite of her Westerns include The Last Renegade and Never Love a Lawman.

03/27/2015 5:52 pm

Nice interview from one of my very favorite writers. I want to steal her words about why she does not create alpha “”heroes””: **””The bad boy redeemed by the love of a good woman is a tragic myth and makes for a tragic marriage.””** I couldn’t have stated it better!

I’m curious if she has plans to return to British historicals, as so many are among my favorites of hers. Nevertheless, very much looking forward to this new one.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Blackjack1
03/27/2015 6:11 pm

I just re-read The Price of Desire. Really enjoyed it.

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
03/27/2015 7:30 pm

One of my favorites too!

03/27/2015 11:47 am

I love the “I have no idea if there were female bounty hunters.” Free form literary license:)

Reply to  Karenmc
03/28/2015 11:39 am

I really liked that comment as well.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
03/27/2015 11:29 am

I do love Rabbit and Finn. I don’t want for them to necessarily have their own adult stories but I am sad to think about not hearing their voices.

03/27/2015 9:39 am

Very interesting interview with fun tidbits about research. And yes, I do like Rabbit and Finn. They are adorable.